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New Employee Training Checklist: Enterprise Applications Onboarding

By October 9, 2018August 26th, 2024Blog, Workday8 min read

New Employee Training Checklist: Enterprise Applications Onboarding

Extracting the best out of employees is the ultimate goal of an employee training and development program. It is important for both the professional and personal growth of employees. Employees are more likely to stay in companies that invest in their development and career growth opportunities.

An employee training program can be successfully implemented only when a proper checklist is in place. A training plan checklist will outline the objectives, needs, strategy, and curriculum to be addressed when training new users on the enterprise applications.

Moreover, the employee training plan checklist includes the format of the educational program, the list of topics to be covered, resources required, materials, time, execution, and proposed schedules. All this can help companies onboard their employees and make them use the enterprise applications to the fullest potential.

Why is new hire training important?

A successful employee onboarding and training is the one that engages new hires in the process of learning and reaps the desired upskilling results.  

When your new hires are engaged, 87% of them are more likely to stay in your company. They are 5 times less likely to leave than those unengaged employees. This clearly shows the importance of employee engagement, which can be achieved via effective onboarding and training.  

Now, let’s look at the employee training plan checklist that can help onboard the new hires effectively on your enterprise applications. 

Your HR department probably provided you with a checklist for training new employees covering everything from benefits to using the phone system.

But does it include the systems they’ll use the most – your enterprise applications?

Ensuring employees are fully onboarded to the software they’ll use on a daily basis like SalesforceOracleNetsuite, or Workday, improves employees’ productivity.

Unfortunately, out-of-the-box user guides and support sites are not adequate for getting new employees up-to-speed.

Utilize the following New Employee Training checklist to make sure you’re prepared to successfully train and onboard new hires.

The New Employee training checklist & template is divided into two segments:

  • Before a New Hire Starts
  • New Employee’s First Day and Beyond

New Employee Training checklist: Before a New Hire Starts

Onboarding new employees to your enterprise applications requires adequate preparation. Before your new employee’s first day, you’ll want to:

  • Configure their login and user account settings.
  • Create an onboarding agenda.
  • Review and update your documentation.

For many people, documentation is a huge headache. One of the main challenges with applications like Oracle or Salesforce is the support documentation is not tailored to your processes so you create your own support content.

Unfortunately maintaining up-to-date documentation is time consuming and frequently not a top priority. Before a new hirtraining process starts is an excellent time to review your existing support documentation to see what needs to be updated.

When you review your documentation ask:

  • Have you updated or changed any processes since the last time the document was reviewed?
  • Have you rolled out any updates to the system?
  • Are your screenshots and navigational instructions still accurate?

PRO TIP:- Apty automates the process of updating your documentation. Instantly turn any guided workflow into a downloadable PDF with screenshots and instructions.

New Employee Training checklist: New Employee’s First Day and Beyond

After making sure everything is up-to-date, it’s time to welcome your employee. As a part of their first day, make sure you:

  • Provide a training buddy.
  • Show the employee how to access help documentation.
  • Review support options including any adoption tools like Apty.
  • Walk the employee through completing their most common tasks.

Many new employee onboarding programs make the mistake of having employees work in a learning environment working on fake tasks. Following the best practices for new employee training will help employees to learn better and retain more.

Appoint a training buddy to walk the employee through each of their most common tasks and make sure the employee knows how to get help if they need it.

The complete checklist for training new employee

Before an Employee Starts

  • Configure their login and user account settings.
  • Create an onboarding agenda.
  • Review and update your training plan and documentation.
  • Prepare and share an agenda for the first day, so that new hires will know what to expect  
  • Provide a print or digital copy of the employee handbook, so new hires can take a look and ask doubts. 
  • Have you updated or changed any processes since the last time the document was reviewed?
  • Have you rolled out any updates to the system?
  • Are your screenshots and navigational instructions still accurate?

After an Employee Starts

  • Provide a training buddy.
  • Show the employee how to access help documentation.
  • Review support options including any adoption tools like Apty.
  • Walk the employee through their most common tasks. 
  • Tell about your company mission & vision statement. 
  • Perform a training needs analysis on the employee. 
  • Show them your achievements and your plans. 
  • Provide detailed explanations of your organization‘s roles & structures. 
  • Define training goals for the employee 
  • Always be open and set time for the new hire to ask questions. 

Sample New Employee Training Template

The following new hire training schedule ensures a successful start for your new hires

New Employee Training Checklist: Before Employee Starts

  • Make sure all HR paperwork is complete 
  • Contact employee to: 
    • Confirm start date and time 
    • Tell them where to report on their first day 
    • Let them know what documentation or identification to bring 
  • Assign a peer as a ‘buddy’ to help and answer questions for the new employee
  • Create a welcome packet and onboarding agenda
  • Prepare employee’s work station and logins
    • Building Access (keys, badges, etc) 
    • Email 
    • Computer 
    • Phone 
    • Logins 
  • Arrange training sessions 

New Employee Training Checklist: First Day

  • Meet the employee at the front desk to welcome them 
  • Give a tour of the building and workspace 
  • Review welcome packet, agenda and job description 
  • Introduce peer “buddy” 
  • Confirm logins, building access, email and phone system are working 
  • Complete any HR paperwork that is pending 
  • Introduccoworkers and Managers 

New Employee Training Checklist: First Week

  • Check in to see how the first week went and to answer questions 
  • Review company policies 
  • Set onboarding goals 

New Employee Training Checklist: 90 Days and Beyond

  • Provide ongoing training and support 
  • Review and update onboarding goals 
  • Set performance-based long and short-term goals

How a New Employee Training Checklist Can Boost Business Performance

The onboarding stage of a new hire is crucial to shape their perception of the company. Their first impression of the company has a significant impact on their opinion about the company and its culture.

When the onboarding process is smooth and helpful, the employee starts on a good note and starts being productive earlier on.

On the other hand, when the process is full of obstacles and takes a long time, the employee is demotivated and disengaged, leading to low performance and productivity.

When you have an onboarding checklist in place, you make sure you cover everything that needs to be communicated or provided to the new employee. This makes the process smooth and you ensure that the employee has a great experience.